Unique Local IPv6 Generator

Create a new ::/48!

This is a randomly generated 48-bit unique local IPv6 prefix as defined by RFC 4193. It can be used for local IPv6 networking. A new random prefix will be generated every time the regenerate button is pressed, using JavaScript.


64-bit subnetting

Unique local addresses have 48-bit prefixes, leaving 16 bits for local subnetting. Below is the prefix as well as the addresses of the first and last subnets.

Prefix Waiting to generate a ::/48
First subnet Waiting to generate the 1st ::/64
Last subnet Waiting to generate the last ::/64

Not sure which subnet ID to use? Check the FAQ!

IPv4 local address equivalent

IPv6 unique local addresses (ULAs) are used similarly to the IPv4 local adresses, such IPv4 private addresses were defined by RFC 1918, while IPv6 ULAs were defined by RFC 4193. Unlike their IPv4 counterpart, IPv6 local addresses have a 40-bit random part, which makes them unique. The goal of IPv6 local addresses is that if you connect two private IPv6 networks together - such as two private sites connected over VPN - it should be very unlikely that you will run into addressing conflicts. [+]